What Is Alopecia and How Can Custom Hair Systems Help?

custom hair systems

You may think that losing one’s hair is simply something that happens over time. But for many people, significant hair loss is anything but normal. While male pattern balding is an issue that many experience, it’s not the only condition that can result in hair loss. Alopecia areata is another medical condition that can alter your appearance and have significant effects on your self-esteem. In today’s post, we’ll discuss alopecia and how custom hair systems may be used as an option for non surgical hair restoration in alopecia patients.

What Is Alopecia?

Alopecia is a condition that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles, prompting in patches of hair loss. While the average person may lose around 100 strands of hair each day, those with alopecia can experience sudden hair loss on the scalp, as well as other areas of the face, in seemingly unpredictable ways. Some people may experience hair regrowth, as well as years where their condition remains dormant. But others may lose their hair entirely with no hope of regrowing hair themselves. And since there is no cure for alopecia, most patients pursue a combination of topical treatments, medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes in an effort to slow hair loss or encourage hair regrowth.

How Can Custom Hair Systems Help People With Alopecia?

Whether your hair loss is permanent or you’re experiencing what you hope to be a temporary flare-up, the emotional and physical effects of alopecia can be significant. Understandably, your self-confidence may take a huge hit as a result of your hair loss — and even if you don’t feel ill, you may feel that your hair loss is hurting how you’re perceived by others.

Aside from various treatments for alopecia, many patients may explore the best hair replacement systems available in order to restore their appearance. Custom hair systems look completely natural and last a lifetime, allowing you to feel and look radiant at a moment’s notice. These hair replacement systems are made using only the highest quality of human hair and can even protect the scalp as alopecia treatments are utilized to encourage regrowth.

While a condition like alopecia can have a major impact on how you feel about your appearance, you can restore the look of your hair and feel more confident when you use a non surgical hair replacement. For more information, please contact us today.

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