Debunking 6 Myths on Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Systems

hair replacement service

Thinning hair can be a major cause of worry, panic, and stress. Over 33% of women experience hair loss at some point in life, with over 50% of the men experiencing some degree of hair loss by the time they are thirty-five. Whether caused by genetics, disease, or lifestyle, hair loss can be a confidence killer for some people.

Hair replacement service has become a popular and effective technique to get your hair back. Hair specialists can fully customize non-surgical hair replacement systems, with the hair looking natural like your own head of hair. The procedure is non-invasive and completely painless.

Hair replacement systems have been misrepresented out there, making most clients shy away from getting the much-needed solution to their baldness. With complete mistruths running around, it may not be easy to separate the myths from the realities. Read on as Farrell Hair separates the myths from the facts for you.

1. Hair Replacement System Is Just a Fancy Term for Wigs

A hair replacement service is always customized to fit an individual needs, with a blend of the natural color and texture of their hair. It follows your natural hairline, making the hair appear like it’s growing right out of your scalp. Traditional wigs and toupees are not custom-made to fit.

2. Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Causes an Itchy and Irritable Scalp

With a natural hair replacement system, you are not wearing synthetic strands that make your head feel hot, itchy, and irritable. Modern custom hair systems utilize breathable membranes that reduce irritations to the scalp. Hypoallergenic adhesives are also available for individuals with sensitive skin.

3. Hair Replacement Systems Look Artificial and Easily Identifiable

A hair replacement service done by professional stylists looks no different than your natural hair look. The best hair systems are made from natural hair strands that blend to perfection with the color and texture of your original hair. No one will be able to tell that it is not your real hair.

4. Hair Replacement Systems Will Disrupt Your Lifestyle

Modern hair replacement systems are designed to remain fixed, no matter the activities you like to participate in. Dive into the swimming pool without worries your hair might fall off. Take that leap off the airplane latch and enjoy your skydive. Nothing much will change from your schedule except an occasional visit to the stylist for a retouch to keep you in style.

5. You Can’t Wear Them Under the Sun

All hair fades with time on extreme exposure to sunlight. Hair replacement systems will not only look and feel like natural hair but also need to be treated like one. Experts recommend wearing a cap or hat to protect your hair system from extreme sunshine.

6. Hair Systems Are Expensive and Inflexible

There are plenty of custom hair systems available to rectify your receding hairline. Companies such as Farrell offer 100% natural virgin hair that comes in different grades and textures to choose from. With an experienced hairstylist, you can find the perfect fit for you that offers value for your money.

A perfectly done hair replacement service can be a major confidence booster. With the most myths debunked, you can go ahead and achieve incredible results with a custom hair replacement system. You won’t have to worry anymore about your baldness and how it makes you look or feel.

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