Women’s Photo Gallery

Below are photos of actual Farrell women hair replacement clients. These individuals are not professional models. These are real, untouched photos. You will notice that in each photo, the hairline is totally exposed.

You will see close up and personal how Farrell’s totally natural-looking and undetectable hair systems virtually disappear on your skin, looking as if hair is growing right out of your head and allowing you to comb your hair straight back and expose Farrell’s signature hairline.

Are Farrell systems as good as having your own real growing hair? Of course not, but they are the next best thing to your original hair. Nothing is as good as having your own real hair. I design and make great systems. You, my staff and I work together in order to achieve the natural look you desire.

If you like, you can wear your Farrell system to a regular hair salon for cuts, color, perms or styling. You don’t have to divorce yourself from your hairstylist. You can have styles that you couldn’t achieve with your own real growing hair. Believe it or not, what seems to be a very serious hair loss situation can end up being a lot of fun.

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